Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's my big fish?

When I was little I used to think that Jonah was swallowed up by the big fish because God just didn't want to deal with him anymore, or it was like a way of punishment. After reading the story once more it seems to me that God was actually rescuing Jonah from the sea. Jonah told the sailors of the ship to throw him over, knowing he would die in the stormy water. As he was drowning, a great fish came and swallowed him, and he lived. Everyone knows the story of Jonah... he was called to go to Nineveh and preach, he did not want to so he ran away...long story short, God found him and he ended up where he didn't want to be in the first place. Moral of the story-God always wins..so don't even try to fight? Maybe not.
So what did Jonah need rescuing from?
Really, i think the moral of this story is about serving our enemies. Jonah and the people of Nineveh did not get along, and it was the last place he wanted to go...so he ran, just like us at most times.
There are times and people in my life that i do not want to spend my time and effort on, and i would rather seem them brought down to what they deserve (not like i don't deserve the same). Just like Jonah, i would prefer them to be brought to justice. But our justice is not God's justice. We want revenge, God wants his children to be treated with generosity. God defines justice as taking care of the widows and the orphans, not putting ourselves above those we should love to keep our pride. Our justice is the very essence of sin itself, because it is founded on selfishness.
I think it is amazing how God still rescued Jonah from his sin not against Jonah's enemies but against God himself. He does the same with us, every time he disciplines us he rescues us from sinning further.
so who are your enemies and why is it so hard for you to show them love? and what is your big fish? how does God rescue you from you sin and selfishness?
Anyone who truly knows and has the love of God has generosity... because his love is capable of serving the hardest people to serve. Generosity defies greed. Greed is the root of all sin. Instead of falling to sinful nature by putting our selves and our pride first, let us put God's glory and who we are called to serve first.
We can only know what love and pure generosity is in light of who God is, and every time we love unconditionally even when it hurts us, the light of God is brought out in us.


  1. don't forget to check out the different news posts about Cameroon at the bottom of the page :)

  2. i really like this amanda.
    its a story that is known very well.. but when you analyze it, its really quite different then Jonah just getting swallowed. Great writing :)
