Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning to Pray through Psalms

Tuesday night i could not sleep because i felt very attacked. I was experiencing so much guilt, fear and doubt and i didn't have the words to say to God. So i opened up psalms and read for a couple hours in the dead of night 1-43. I should have been really, really tired... but all i had was joy and peace!
It is funny looking back on it now, because the psalms went in the order that i was feeling, they started off with grief and pain and asking God for protection and rescue. To be honest, i have never felt so attacked in my life, and the first chapters were all about being attacked. As i read through the chapters, this strange calm came over me and i could clearly see that God's hand of protection was over me, and i was able to figure out the source behind the guilt and doubt racing in my mind, as well as God pushing me and teaching me new things. God set me free from guilt that i have been struggling with for a long time now, 18:19.
As the psalms went on, instead of needing reassurance and rescue, all i needed was to praise God for what he had just done in the span of seven inspired Psalms for such a time as this. I have never experienced so much Joy, and because it came from a mess of a time, it just goes to show how great my God is.
Psalm 13:5-6    Psalm 16    Psalm 27:4

How can we improve on syncretism in missions?

2 Kings 17 partially describes the history of the Samaritans. In the Babylonian exile, the Samaria was replaced and re-populated by peoples of false religions. When the Samaritans returned from the exile they not only had influences from their captor's religions but now would blend in the religions of the people living in their homeland. The Jewish leaders shunned them so they would not be influenced by their syncretistic ways, and caused a hatred between the two groups.
Flash forward to Jesus...
John 4:1-26 tells of Jesus speaking with the Samaritan at a well. She is very aware that Jesus should not be speaking to her because of her people's mixed beliefs. In verse 23-24, Jesus says " But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth, for the father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
This is clearly a story of a people with mixed beliefs, causing them to be slaves to their sin. Jesus comes in and tells her that what she is doing and who or what she and her peeps are worshiping, clearly is not working(since she so quickly asks for the living water Jesus speaks of in 13-15). The story ends with Jesus' true identity being revealed and the woman leaving in praise.
I think it is interesting that although this woman's values and worship was mangled, she knew that a rescuer, or a Messiah would come and set everything straight. Well, here we are... Jesus' hands and feet. The problem many missionaries face when first going into a people group is syncretism. What a dreaded word... because we seem to not really know how to deal with it.
Firstly, we need to know the language, traditions, and past experiences of the group with other missionaries.
Language- because many only speak their native language, if a missionary were to come speaking in a similar or trade language, the people might not understand as well and only pick up on some of the gospel.
Traditions-many people only follow spiritual rituals and such because it is what they have been taught by older generations. Although these traditions may not be incredibly helpful to the people, they may be binding due to fear or superstition.
I read a story that told of how new missionaries discovered that the great success of a past missionary was not really so, because they simply added god to their old practices. So we need to understand where the people are at, and what they view God as truly.
some other steps we can use to avoid syncretism in missions are:
-some of their "spirits" are actually demons, who are worshiped out of fear, God can rescue the people
-know the origins of what they believe
-know the heart language
-give the message in the context of the peoples situation and not our own
-start with Genesis
-DO NOT try to turn them into the typical western Christian
-make it clear that God is the only God to be worshiped in spirit and in truth, sometimes being blunt as Jesus was in John 4 is necessary

Thursday, February 10, 2011

1 Peter 5:2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve.
Acts; Evangelical Examples:
-Must have the spirit first (1:4-5)
-right heart with God (8:9-25)
-compassion, knowing money won’t fix things or last (3)
-Continually praying (2)
-“you will* be my witnesses.”(1:7-8)
=know where their authority comes from (5:29-42)
-*going* (to the temple) (3)
-even speaks truth to enemies (4)
=convicting in speech
-support one another without question (9:20-32) teamwork (11:25-30)
-unity with other believers, sharing all possessions (4:32)
=good deeds (die to the world) story of Ananias and wife (5)
-listen to the instruction of God (8:26-38) (9:11-16)
-evangelize wherever you are (8:4)
=roll with it (8:39-40)
-endure (16:22-34)
-testimonies are important for unbelievers as well (22:1-21)(even if no one listens)
-turning the glory to God (3:12)-humility

                When reading the whole book of Acts in one sitting, I realized that all of the points I had collected on examples of evangelization had one thing in common. They were based not on human qualities but from the strength and control of God. I think it is important to note that we as sinners should not feel the need to help others. But when God brings us into the light he places in our hearts the ability and the will to serve and not just become do-gooders.  When I was writing these points down I saw that all had to do with letting God be in control. From receiving power and authority from the Holy Spirit to speaking with strength and conviction all must be done first with the instruction of God and only by the power he gives his followers. From God we receive compassion to not only do good deeds but to offer people life. All for the glory of God.
This week I was nominated for a position on student leadership, which is really random because I am still trying to figure out if I am even coming back for a degree next year. Maybe this is God’s way of telling me to stay. Again, I find myself asking the question “what have I learned about faith?”
I have learned that faith does not mean I know where I am going, but it mean that I trust that God knows what he is doing more than I know what I am doing.  I was thinking to myself the other day about the 4 years of wonderful OSAP that I would be chained to, and how that would most likely be put onto my parents (one of the main reasons I am doubtful about returning) and how if maybe someone would just randomly come up to me and say, don’t worry about it, then I would return. BUT, why couldn’t I just do that without someone taking care of it for me, after all God is the one who really takes care of me in the end. It then hit me that faith is not waiting for God to give me a big road sign telling me where to go, that would be too boring. Faith is being sure of who my God is, and he is faithful. Where does my hope lie? In the fact that God is in control and providing school funds is nothing for him. It’s all about stepping out and knowing that God has my back. I have trust that God will provide for this trip so I can grow during it, so if he really wants me back here, he will provide.
But after I hand in the returning forms;)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

GO! - Paul Washer

I may have kicked the old lady

Tonight i went on youtube. Big no no at heritage. As we were told in orientation week, the internet at heritage is like an old lady, you kick her once and she will go down. Youtube is like pushing the old lady down the stairs. Although i am happy to say that she is still alive and i don't think anyone knows, atleast until this blog.
I started off just youtubing stupid things and then decided to watch some quick sermons.
I came across one movie called "go." This movie talked about missions, clearly. But it spoke of them as in need of a higher effort. It really spoke to me because I used to only be able to say i want to serve in missions because i wanted to serve God, but now i know i why i want to serve God. The preacher told a story about a boy who wanted to serve with him and said he would give his life, but he knew nothing about his God, no attributes, he only know he wanted to serve God. But we have to know who our God is before we can tell others of him.
So why do i want to serve God, I can't really describe it. Whenever i am at a loss for words i can only say God is good, and i want others to know his goodness as well because i want to take part in the crazy pursuit God has for God's glory. Missions happens to bring glory to God, and save lost souls along the way, and i know that I serve a God whom words cannot describe, I may not have all the training and bible school in the world but i know my God, and i know what he has done for me. But most importantly i know what he will do not for me but for his name and his Glory and i want nothing more then to accept his offer of being part of this. God is good.